
Monday, 22 October 2018

Prayers of our daily lives that could turn impossible possible Vol. 1. Read this articles everyday

Monday 22 October 2018
Basic Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:5-7
Basic Verse: Deuteronomy 1:6. “The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount”

VOICE OF MEDITATION: Beloved, welcome to this wonderful month of June. It is the month God has ordained for us to move forward spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, financially and in all our hearts desires. Can’t you see you have stayed on that mountain for too long? I don’t know if you are one of those people who still doubt the credibility of God performing miracles. I was discussing the Bible with someone about some miracles God performed in the Old Testament. At first he did not believe that all those things actually happened, I proved to him that God’s word is infallible; well he said: if God did those miracles, why doesn’t He perform such miracles today?

It is quite unfortunate that people still ask such questions. My beloved, God does not change, He is still the 'I am that I am'; the sweet rose of Sharon; the Lord that makes a way where there seems to be no way; the creator of all things visible and invisible. What is that thing that looks impossible to you?  What is that situation that you have fervently been praying for since the beginning of the year? What is that thing that has made you do everything humanly possible just so that you will have your miracle? Today’s message is telling you that you have stayed in that situation enough.  When the Israelites were between the devil and the deep blue sea, it seemed as if nothing was about to happen; Pharaoh and his men were getting closer and closer while the Red sea was right before them. Then God who is the impossibility specialist rose and took charge. Are you in a predicament that only God’s intervention will cause a positive change? Rejoice for your sun will still shine again. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. He is still the God of times and seasons. He still makes water to gush out from the desert.

Today, He still says, lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world. This month is your month; you really need to know who you are and the heavenly back up behind you. Your sun will surely shine again. Have you been humiliated, rejected, heartbroken, failed in assignments and every day your tears soak your pillows and there seems to be so much darkness surrounding you that you can’t see any ray of sunlight, my beloved wipe away your tears, for the sun will shine again. Stand up from where you are mourning, look straight for there is still hope. Looking back can only bring pain and heart ache. Always remember that Jesus is always there beside you. He will never leave nor forsake you. Why would you want to give up this month that God has so much in stock for you? There’s a friend you have in Jesus, your matter can’t be over until you win the battle. The cloud may be very thick but God knows the right time to release your rain. Rise up and speak into this month. Begin to speak in tongues, welcome to your month of moving forward. Remember, others have gone but God’s mercy has kept you alive. It is a great testimony so rejoice!!!!!
Daily Prayer Activities
v   Read Acts 18:10
v   Say the rosary prayers
v   Beloved, give God quality time of praise and worship Him this morning
v   I plead the blood of Jesus from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet in Jesus name.
v   O’ Lord, give me power to move forward throughout this month onward.
v   Pray that God will raise leaders that will be committed to the development and unity of the nation.
v   Pray that the church will have the mind of Christ, forgiving spirit, tolerance, humility, submission, genuine repentance.
v   Give thanks to God for answered prayer.
Tuesday 23 October 2018

Basic scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:1-10
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:4 “Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lord.”

VOICE OF MEDITATION: Have you fasted and prayed so much for a particular problem, yet there seems to be no head way? If yes, then it is time to move forward with sacrifices. God is not just demanding an offering, He is demanding a sacrifice. David was one of the men who understood the secret of making God speak and he used it to his advantage. For David, it is an abomination when you do not give God what will cost you something. No wonder he is a man after God’s heart. David sowed a seed of selfless sacrificial service unto God. No wonder his son Solomon followed his foot step. I have always sat down to imagine how King Solomon was slaughtering the sacrifices one after the other until he slaughtered one thousand. In your imagination, picture the sight of the slaughtered cattle. It is really awesome and mind blowing. No wonder his sacrifice touched the heart of God. He sacrificed without reservations; his whole heart was in his giving. Solomon poured out his heart to God through his giving and sacrifice. He showed God that his heart has been sold out to him. As soon as he rendered those sacrifices, heaven opened and God spoke.

Beloved, how do you rate God in your life? One way of assessing the value you have for God is the extent you can go in your giving and sacrifice. Maybe you should go back and read the story of Cain and Abel. Look at what happened to Cain and how he degenerated from being a stupid fellow to being a murderer of his own blood brother. When you express love for God in your sacrifices and the intentions behind them, it shows how much you appreciate goodness, mercies and loving kindness of God in your life. There are sacrifices you make and God will personally come down and speak to you while there are some that incur the wrath of God. There are yet some that God will send His angels to attend to your case.

With what you are passing through; which one will you prefer? As for me, I will like to offer the kind of King Solomon’s sacrifice that shook heaven and caused God to appear to him. What is God worth in your life? Let heaven be moved by the quality of your sacrifices. Moreover, King Solomon made a sacrifice that shook heaven; he did not mind what his wife, his children, his friends, his cabinet members, his subjects would say; what mattered to him was what he would do to provoke heaven positively. Is that your attitude? Are you concerned about making God happy or are you still considering what people around you will say? You know the situation you are in, you know what has kept you sleepless all through the night, why not do what you have never done before so as to get the result you have never gotten. Be wise!!!!!

Daily Prayer Activities
v     Read Genesis 4:3-7
v     Say 5 decades of the rosary
v     Begin to thank, worship God for all His blessings toward your family.
v     Confess and repent of the sins of youths, women, men, elders, and ministers in the church.
v     Pray that the fear of God will overtake our people as God begins to visit the wicked with strange judgments.
v     Thank you father for prayers answered.

Wednesday 24 October, 2018

“FORGET THE PAST AND MOVE ON”                                                                                        
Basic Scripture: Job 29:1-10.
Memory verse: Job 29:2 “Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me;”

VOICE OF MEDITATION: Many people usually view the past with pleasure and regard the present with so much dissatisfaction. They always look back upon the days which they have known him, but as to their present relationship with him, it is dry or cold. In this month of moving forward, drop the days of the past and move on. Before now, such people feel they were close to God but today, they feel they have wandered away from Him and speak like Job who out of desperation said; oh that I were as in months past; they complain they have lost their evidence or that they have lost their peace of mind or that they have no reason to enjoy the grace God has given to them. They feel they have lost their zeal for God’s glory.

Do you know why you are feeling this way? You have neglected your place of prayer. A neglected closet is the beginning of all spiritual decline. You might be suffering from idolatry; your heart may have been occupied with something else more than God. You have set your affection on the mundane things of this life instead of heavenly things. A jealous God will not be content with a divided heart. He wants to be our first and our best. He will always withdraw the sunshine and joy of His divine presence from a wandering heart. Hence, you might be feeling unsatisfied with God because you are so self confident and self righteous.

Beloved, yester years, you used to humbly sit at the feet of Jesus to take instructions; you have a mentor whom God blessed you with to direct you in his ways but today pride has taken over.  Dearest, you cannot do it all by yourself. Do you still remember those years you adhered to instructions your relationship with Jesus was intact, enjoyable and heavenly? In fact, if you were not as you were in months past, do not be satisfied with your present condition, move forward and make a spiritual shift. Do not sit there wishing for a return of your former relationship with Jesus. All you need is to go back to Him and tell Him your bad situation and state.

Beloved, ask Him for the grace and strength to help you to walk more closely with Him. Humble yourself before Him and He will lift you up and give you the opportunity to enjoy the light of His confidence. Do not just sit sighing and lamenting while the great physician is ready to pick you up and mend your broken heart. Stop wishing, instead act immediately.

Daily Prayer Activities
v     Read psalm 91
v     Say the rosary
v     I thank you heavenly father for you shall make a way for me where there seems to be no way throughout today onwards.
v     Pray for a great move of God this month in your life, even in the church of God.
v     Pray for unity in the churches
v     Bind the spirit of hardness of heart when the word of God is going on in the churches
v     Pray about today seriously as you are led
v     Thanks God for answering your prayers.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Basic Scripture: Romans 14:1-10
Memory Verse: Romans 14:8; “for whether we live, we live unto the lord and whether we die we die unto the lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s”.
VOICE OF MEDITATION: Take a moment and ask yourself if your life on earth shows that you belong to God. Pause and wonder on your secret life and judge whether you can be called the lords. Beloved, if God did not want us to do something very meaningful here on earth, He would have taken us to heaven the moment we got born again. It is possible for someone to be taken straight to heaven immediately after being born again. But God has given every believer a specific instruction to always do the task of reconciliation. We are the light of the world and the dark world is depending on us to shine. Are you aware that your neighbor or partner is depending on the light in you as a child of God to see through this dark world? It is very true that our sanctification is a day to day process. The bible makes us understand that we are changed from glory to glory, from imperfection to perfection; yet if God wanted, He might have changed us and taken us to heaven at once. Why then are we still alive? Why is the army of the living God still on the battle field when God can just defeat their enemy (the devil) and give them victory? Why are we still wandering from one missionary journey to the other spreading the good news when one word from His lips would spread the good news and convince everyone to repent and serve Him?

The answer is this: we are here on earth to “live unto the lord and cause others to know His everlasting love for mankind”. He saved us to save others. We are here on earth as the farmers in the parable of the sower in the bible, to scatter good seeds, bring hope to the hopeless world, glorify Christ in the our daily lives and to show the way of the kingdom to those whom the devil has held captive. We are the light through which the world sees the glorious gospel. We are the “salt of the earth” therefore we are preservatives of the earth. Where we are, things are not allowed to go wrong. Things are supposed to progress where we are. Our duties include mending broken hearts of people that are not truly children of God. We are not destroyers; we are menders of the broken hearts. We are here as workers for Him and as “workers together with him, let us work in view of His calling”.

Therefore child of covenant, why not leave your comfort zone today? Why not move out, move forward and fulfill your purpose on earth? May the lord be with you all as you find and fulfill your purpose on earth in Jesus name.

Daily Prayer Activities
v     Read Timothy 3
v     Say the rosary prayer
v     In repentance, consecrate yourself afresh unto God, promising to serve Him and obey His word.
v     Pray that grace be granted you to live in the sunshine of God’s goodness and miracle in every area of your life.
v     Ask for divine enablement to succeed in where others are failing.
v     Thank God for answered prayers.

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