
Thursday, 30 January 2025



2tim.3:5-6Having a form of

godliness, but denying the

power thereof: from such

turn away.For of this sort are

they which creep into houses,

and lead captive silly women

laden with sins, led away with

divers lusts,

Another set of women are women who

have a form of godliness. They are filled

with lust or lead with diverse lust. Their

affection is for television, friends, party,

they are religious and do not really know

God. They are attracted to the things of

this world, they prefer to move among

happening people, rather than move with

the people of God, they are interested in

what is in vogue or things that are in greatest interest in this present life.

As a woman the question is, what kind of

woman are you? Are you taken by lust for

wealth or things or sexual lust? Woman!

Please do not make friends with a woman

who denies the power of God, they will

enter into your house and make you a

prisoner, they will make you sin and turn

away from God’s path. This kind of women

have no inner value, they look at the

outward appearance and things that have

no substance. They are church goes.

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 RELIGIOUS WOMAN 2tim.3:5-6Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.For of this sort are they which cr...

